PyToaster - PixelToaster powered by Python ========================================== "Monty Pixel Flying Toaster" PyToaster is a library glueing PixelToaster to Python. WARNING: currently it's still in development, so it's probably somewhat broken. For example, the window seems to simply ignore use input. And the floating point Pixel doesn't exist yet. PyToaster tries to reflect the structure of PixelToaster in Python, though some changes have been made due to the nature of Python. The two main classes in PyToaster are Display and Timer, the full reflections of PixelToaster's Display and Timer. Nothing fancy here. Mode, Key and Output have been replaced by ALL_CAPS constants. Trying to mimic these classes Python would be too much of trouble. Well, I didn't try ;) Mouse::Buttons doesn't exist. it's members left, middle and right have been moved to Mouse itself. So Mouse has 5 readonly members left, middle, right, x and y. Unlike for Display and Timer, you can't create Mouse objects yourself. There's no need to anyway. I guess that's about it ... Bram de Greve.